Adding Teenage Drivers to Your Auto Insurance – Not So Scary After All!

Adding a teen driver to your car insurance policy might seem a little scary. Now, not only is your child loose on the roads of Richland and Lexington counties, but you’re also facing increases in your insurance rates!

But take heart: There are ways to keep your teen driver safe and save you some cash on those insurance premiums.

When to add your teenage driver

You should notify us, your insurance agent, when your teenager gets a learner’s permit so we can make a note of it in our files, but you don’t need to officially add your teen until he or she becomes a licensed driver.

Once your teen gets a license, it’s time to add him or her to your policy or buy a separate policy for them. Talk to your agent to determine the best option for your family.

Looking at teenage driver insurance rates

Auto insurance premiums increase when you add a teen driver to the policy. Let’s face it: Teenagers are often high-risk drivers – due either to recklessness or inexperience – and insurance companies know they are taking a risk by insuring them.

However, there are ways to keep your costs from skyrocketing when your child starts to drive.

  1. Sign up your teen for a good driver’s training program.You may be able to keep your premiums lower by helping your teen learn how to avoid risky behavior behind the wheel, and that means getting them into the best driver’s education program possible.  (Bonus, some insurance companies offer discounts for these classes.  More on that later
    • AAA offers more information on approved driver’s training programs in North and South Carolina.
  2. Avoid buying your new driver his or her own car.Yes, if your child has his or her own car, they won’t constantly be borrowing yours, but it makes good sense to let them drive yours instead of buying a separate vehicle just for your teen.
    • Your insurance premiums will be lower if you add your child as a secondary driver rather than a primary one.
    • Buying another car means you’ll have to pay insurance on yet another car. Not the best way to save money.
    • The insurance company looks at the driving record of each person listed on a policy. Your good driving could offset your teen’s potentially risky driving. Plus, you may qualify for discounts not available on a teen’s policy.
  3. Or buy them a sensible car. If you must buy a separate car for your teen, don’t buy them the fancy red sports car they’ve been eyeing. A sensible car means lower premiums for you.
  4. Look for teen driver discounts.When you add your teen, ask your agent about discounts for new drivers. Some companies offer discounts for students with good grades (usually A’s and B’s). Those who have taken an approved safety course may also be eligible. If your teen goes off to college and doesn’t take the car, you may be able to get some money back for that as well.
  5. Place all your coverage with the same company.Most insurance companies offer multi-policy discounts, so it could pay to have all of your insurance with the same company. The more you insure with one company, the greater your discount could be.

Adding a new, young driver to your household is scary enough without the added stress of out-of-sight insurance premiums. Give us a call at 803-791-1120 to make sure you and your teen are adequately covered and receiving all the discounts you’re eligible for.
